dear contributors!
this is theme #3 of the CONFERENCE already
this week we got the unique chance
the CONFERENCE turns to an academy
and we all can learn from one another
the current theme is: 3 advices for the fellow mashers
two new things
1./ as it was announced few days ago the mighty GYBO has joined us
welcome GYBOers!!
2./ the Flyer Gallery link is added
and the usual things:))
please remember, this is an interactive project ;-)
make your voice heard, tell us what you think about the current theme
you can do it by commenting the article
or if you want to take part in the real time chat visit the forum board
please, do NOT copy/repost/republish the CONFERENCE articles anywhere
but fell free to link the site
for more information get the press release pdf
or contact us
have fun and have a nice read!

If you had three pieces of advice or wisdom for wannabe mashers what would
they be?
prologue by Simon Iddol
I love theme #3 so much
it can be very useful for most of us
I'm not as experienced as the members of our pro team
but I think these 3 things are very important
- listen more music and different styles than before
- give and learn at the beginning, be thankful for any feedback you got
- be creative, try to match different things not two current top hits
and now listen what the experts say

Adrian & the Mysterious D
1. Try not to work with material that's played out and overused.
Strive to find your own unique voice in the mashup genre, either by your
choice of source material, or in the way you craft the songs.
2. If it feels like you have to put in a lot of work in order
to fit the songs together, chances are it's not that good of a match.
More often than not, the most successful mashups are the ones that come
together with what seems like little effort.
3. And always be sure to put ID tags in your MP3s!
Since you technically can't sell or profit from these creations,
your only real claim to them is proper credit. And without the correct
track information in the ID tags, no one will know you created it

1. Mix what interests you....not what you think people want to hear.
2. Study your idols.
3. Mix drunk. Master sober.

Arty Fufkin
1. Don't expect to ever find a piece of software which is going to make
mashups for you.
2. If it doesn't sound quite right, that's because it's not - so keep working
on it.
3. Use your imagination, don't be shy and don't try to be cool.
Also - don't follow leaders, just watch your parking meters.

1. listen to what you've done few days later, sometimes you need
some "new ears" to really hear what you've done.
2. don't try to argue that it was on purpose if your track is out
of tune or not in time, it can't be.
3. If you know that your track is "technicly" ok, don't waste your
time arguing on the internet with people who don't like it, use that
precious time to produce new tracks.

DJ Earworm
1. Don't expect to make money at this.
2. Mash up music /you/ like, not music you think other people would like.
3. Take risks.

DJ Zebra
1. practising music (an instrument or "solfege") is very useful
2. for a first one, try very easy mash-ups, in minimal styles (hip hop acapella
on hip hop instrumental is good to begin)
3. trust your ears, not your software. Be careful of the harmonics and
intensity of the materials, try to make it sound as an original song.

Eve Massacre
1. Appreciate the work of the original artists, and I don't just mean that
theoretically and proper mp3-tagging-ly but also monetarily.
2. Only start bootleg mixing if you love music and are curious to learn
more about music and to broaden your horizon.
If you think bootleg mixing is only about sticking a pella to a mental
better stick that pella and mental somewhere else and stay a downloading

Go Home Productions
1. Keep your combinations in time and tune with each other.
That’s the very basic requirement. Amazing how many ‘mashups’ still can’t get
these things right.
2. Listen to music that doesn’t make you want to dance.
3. Try using tracks that haven’t been used before.
4. Avoid crapapellas.
5. Don’t take it too seriously.
6. Get out as much as you can and avoid hanging round internet forums all day.
7. Consume copious amounts of alcohol prior to mixdown and monitor through cheap
headphones or pc speakers….hang on, that’s more than three….

Loo & Placido
1. Making bootlegs is a chance to play with all your favourite tracks from your
record collection in no particular style. There are no barriers & no
restrictions, it's like "ultimate sampling".
It takes a lot of patience to search for some good combinations, but when you
find a good one, it's definitely something magic & really exciting.
2. First person to be surprised has to be you.
3. The melodies are also really important to us, we like it when the final result
sounds like a track that could have been recorded in the studio by the artists

Party Ben
Advice for up-and-coming bootleggers: stop, just stop. There are way too many
of us.
this is theme #3
tell us what you think, discuss the theme on the CONFERENCE FORUM
+++ the CONFERENCE Team +++