this is a very special week
first of all this is the last theme of the first series of the CONFERENCE
and if you look at your calendar you will see the other important thing
in this time of the year almost everybody takes a little break
so the CONFERENCE will do the same
our Holiday Break is between 24.December - 8.January
only a special flyer will be on the main page, but the forum and the archive will be available
between 8.January - 5.February we wil host an open round
the CONFERENCE will return with the new series from 5.February
but now we still got almost week and possibly the most popular theme
our favourite mashups and bootlegs
not a complicated question
but it is really hard, because you can name only one track!!!
see what the experts said and name your top mashup!
and the usual things:))
please remember, this is an interactive project ;-)
make your voice heard, tell us what you think about the current theme
you can do it by commenting the article
or if you want to take part in the real time chat visit the forum board
please, do NOT copy/repost/republish the CONFERENCE articles anywhere
but fell free to link the site
for more information get the press release pdf
or contact us
have fun and have a nice read!

What is your favorite Boot/Mashup of all time?
prologue by Simon Iddol
it is so hard to name only one
every member of the expert team made amazing tunes
and there are so many talented bootleggers
amazing how many brilliant tunes been developed by our scene
but I have to pick only one and that is
the Careless or Dead by the Kleptones (Bon Jovi vs George Michael)
I don’t like the originals, but the harmony of the boot is so amazing

Adrian & the Mysterious D
There is absolutely no way we could narrow it down to simply one favorite mashup.
But for the sake of answering the question, we're just going to go with
"Rapture Riders" by Go Home Productions. Years after its original release, it
still, without fail, rocks the dance floor every time.
It seamlessly blends classic rock, new wave, rap, and dance all into one
timeless production. Mysteriously, we still somehow never tire of it.

Man...there's so many of them for so many different reasons. But currently, Dj
Earworm's "Paula's Smokin' Kelly's Doobie". For my money, I think the best
mash artist in the States.

Arty Fufkin
The tracks I mentioned earlier are still up there but that question's
too hard to answer definitively. I tend to love the slower tunes
dripping with pathos which are sometimes overlooked. Some examples
would be 'ReBootified Prudence' by Autopilot, 'Reflection Years' by
FuTuRo and 'Suffer and Survive Eleanor' by Aggro1.

Hard to tell, there are great mashups in every genre, some are
really well produced but the first one in my mind is Dvda's 50 cent
versus the Jungle Book.
That's strange because I hate when people says to me "mashups... yeah
I like them, it's fun". I like to surprise people when I play some,
but not only because it's "fun".
And Dvda's one is a fun one but just naming it makes me want to hear
it. And when I hear it, I want to dance like a crazy fool, each time.
One of my fantasies is to learn the dancing moves and dance like Baloo
or the monkey while playing it at a gig... who knows, perhaps it will

DJ Earworm
I really can't name one track. The work of Go Home Productions, Loo &
Placido and 2 Many DJ's inspired me to get started in mashups.

DJ Zebra
Difficult question. I'm more excited by the new tracks than by the old ones. I
alwayd need to be surprised with mash-ups.
But i remember that some tracks turned me crazy when i heard them for the very
first time. I remember Loo & Placido's "Trust vs. NTM" at the Rex Club in
Paris, i jumped into the DJ booth and shouted "i want it !!! i want this track
now !!!!". And i was very proud when i did the "Soul desir" track (Noir Desir
vs. Aretha Franklin), but can i talk about mine ?

Eve Massacre
I don't really have one favourite but one that I don't get tired of
praising and which I love hearing loud every time, no matter if on my
own on my headphones or when I play it out in a club, is Tone396's "Woo
Makes Idiot Americans Fuck War (Green Day , Public Enemy, Busta Rhymes)

Go Home Productions
I don’t have a particular favourite as such.
(Yes you do).
Maybe 2 Many DJ’s ‘Destiny’s Child / 10CC’ combo (now that I’ve thought about
it)…simply because it was one of the early ones I’d heard around the 2001
There’s a handful of tracks that I’ve admired for different reasons.
The choice of tracks, how much has been added or taken away to elevate the mix
from being a simple ‘slap together’ etc
The best ones for me have shown that a bit of intelligence and thought have
gone into the production, tune selection and been put together with a healthy
dose of humour.
Try tasting Freelance Hellraiser / 2 Many DJ’s / Osymyso / Soundhog / McSleazy
/ Tone396 / Smash / Lou & Placido / DJ Zebra / Party Ben / Earworm / Team9 /
Dunproofin and then see where that takes you.

Loo & Placido
I hate to name only one, because there are so many, but I realy love
"Bootystition" by Smash@Mash

Party Ben
Fave boot: Hidden Forest maybe or good old Stroke of Genie-us.
this is theme #5
name your favourite mashup, tell us what you think
discuss the theme on the CONFERENCE FORUM
+++ the CONFERENCE Team +++