we all love mashups
and we all remember the feeling of first time when faced with this
the bootlegs are meaning different things to us
and we all searching tunes for making mashups
but do we make them better or worse?
can a mashup better than the originals they were made from?
this is the subject of this week
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Do you believe that a mashup can be better that the original music it was made of?
prologue by Simon Iddol
yes absolutely
a different mind with a different thinking can do wonders
sometimes mashups containing current chart hits
are a way better than the originals!!

Adrian & the Mysterious D
The best mashups are often the ones that are greater than the sum of its parts.
A good mashup artist can redeem an otherwise vapid and shallow pop song by infusing
it with subtextual meaning and pathos, depending on how it's being mashed up.
Or it can simply take something that sounds generic, and make it more interesting
by providing an extreme genre-clash, elevating it into something that the original
artists never envisioned. A classic example of this is Freelance Hellraiser's
"A Stroke Of Genius," which mashes up Christina Aguilera with The Strokes,
which greatly improved both songs.

Fact. Taking something someone might hate/be tired of, and putting it in a
whole new context, or revitalizing it so they actually love it, totally makes
me feel I've achieved something good.

Arty Fufkin
Yes, but remember that mashups couldn't exist without the originals.
You know how hard it is to make appealing mashups when there are no
good songs being released??

Of course and that's one of the main reason I like mashups. Where
I discovered mashups, I was listening only some obscure electronic
stuff and no mainstream music like Britney, Madonna or Justin
Thanks to mashups, I learned to appreciate what they do and now I do
some with their tracks and sometimes I listen to their tracks (yes,
the original ones).
Are those mashups better than originals ? It's just a matter of
tastes. I don't think there is one mashup Dj who never heard "can you
play the original tack" or "you totally screw my favourite song".
Some fans will be enough open minded to appreciate the mashup
(sometimes more than the original) and some won't.

DJ Earworm
Some mashups are successful simply because they make an interesting
comment on the originals, while some mashups are actual improvements on
the originals.

DJ Zebra
There is no competition ! Most of the bootleggers do mash-ups of the music
they like, so we need good songs to compose good bootlegs. We just need to
sort them out of their original style, because we want to break the rules. So
sometimes, it sounds crazy, or it sounds funny, or simply beautiful, but we
feel something strong about a mash-up when we know (and like) the original
songs. I think a mash-up can be a very good mash-up in its own, as an
alternative version of the originals.

Eve Massacre
Of course it can! In a standard band you have drums, bass guitar, guitar
and vocals. In mash ups you have parts of different songs. In both
cases, if you add that certain dash of magic, you can make those parts
communicate with each other in a way that makes the result more than the
sum of the single parts.

Go Home Productions
On the whole, No.
I’ve never heard a Beatles mashup that improves upon the original but it’s all
down to personal taste isn’t it?
I’ve read instances where Pistols fans have found Madonna ‘listenable’ after
‘Ray Of Gob’ and Madonna fans have commented that she sounds better over a
guitar track but I would say the result wasn’t better than it’s composite
parts at all.
A good ‘mashup’ will avoid trying to better it’s component parts.
It will try to create something different, that goes elsewhere….
…or completely take the piss out of it’s source material.

Loo & Placido
For sure, but this is totaly subjective, it depends on your taste...
For example, I didn't liked "Genie in a bottle" from Christina Aguilera, but
when I heard her voice over the Strokes, I found it much better and even liked
her voice at the end.
That exactly the kind of things I realy like about mash-ups.

Party Ben
I believe that mashups will not succeed until all copies of the original songs
are searched out and destroyed.
this is theme #4
tell us what you think, discuss the theme on the CONFERENCE FORUM
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