as you know it already, we are working on the CONFERENCE pdf magazine
it will feature all the themes, the best comments, interviews with the experts and more fun
if you do graphic designs or you know someone who does
make sure to read our call in 4 designers!
this bonus theme is ON till the the magazine release date
(if everything goes as we plan in two weeks)
please we are looking for a lotta great answers this time
and we will post them on the main page
we still have the usual things and rulez dont forget them!
your feedback is important! this is what the whole CONFERENCE about!!!
this is an interactive project ;-)
make your voice heard, tell us what you think about the current theme
you can do it by commenting the article
or if you want to take part in the real time chat visit the forum board
please, do NOT copy/repost/republish the CONFERENCE articles anywhere
but fell free to link the site
for more information get the press release pdf
or contact us
have fun and have a nice read and thanks for your support!

Name something you've learned about music or yourself by creating and listening to Mashups?
prologue by Simon Iddol
what I learned?
to be patient and humble
and it feels so good
THX everybody!
+++bonus theme+++starts+++

Adrian & the Mysterious D
Before we became DJs and mashup producers, I was the lead singer of a
rock band for nine years. And I've got to tell you, within just a few
months of making our first mashups, I learned more about musical key
than I ever did being in a band! It only took us making one
key-clashed mashup for us to figure it out!

So what I learnt by creating mashups ?
I guess i don't listen music the same way I used to, always listening for loops I could use or chords progressions that could match to another song...
I learnt a lot about keys, tempo and how a track should be built, even if I'm still able to screw everything up.
So this is mostly about music technics but I could also say I learnt how fucked up the music business is, how un-glamourous it could be sometimes behind the curtain but also how high you could feel when you're living a great moment, on stage or as a promoter.
I guess this is the same when you producing music wich is not mashup but this is what I know.

DJ Zebra
i found a good reason to do music. As i don't have a strong indentity (i mean cultural...), i always tried to do music that was not "mine", and it was just for fun. I am not a writer, so i always did music the way the others did, until then. By doing mashups, i found my way, and arguments to explain why i do that instead of doing original music. It's important to know why an artist wants to be it and live for art, and the way i do mashups is a good reason to keep keeping on. I can see clearly now. God bless me ! :-)))

What have I learned. Well, about myself, I have learned that I should stick to what I know. I can mix two songs together to a reasonable standard but I should not dabble with beeps, bleeps or squelchy shit (see Hack in Black EP - currently deleted - to remain deleted). About music - its not really taught me anything I didnt already know. Music is derivative and right now we are all just recycling other ideas - bootleggers, rock stars, electromindwarp. Mind you, Kayne West might tell you ohterwise. He's an original you know ;)
+++bonus theme+++ends+++
that's it for a while
tell us your what you think, what did you learned from mashups?
discuss the theme on the CONFERENCE FORUM
+++ the CONFERENCE Team +++